Chayene Rafaela | Unsplash

Chayene Rafaela | Unsplash

David Rangel | Unsplash

David Rangel | Unsplash


Links to ongoing research outputs throughout the project

Reports will be written and uploaded here across the life of the project. They will contain the results of each Stage.

  1. PROJECT METHODOLOGY: ‘Addressing the prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse in CALD communities’ – Available.

    Full Report

  2. TECHNICAL REPORT 1: ‘The design and evaluation of a cultural competency education program for service providers’ – Available.

    Executive Summary | Full Report

    Testimonials from multiple Professors | Testimonial from one Professor

  3. TECHNICAL REPORT 2: ‘The design and evaluation of an outreach educational program for CALD parents/guardians’ – TBD.

  4. TECHNICAL REPORT 3: ‘The design and evaluation of cultural competency recommendations for prevention programs in culturally diverse schools’ – TBD.